4th October 2023 Planning Committee – Additional Representations
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Site Address |
Application No. |
Comment |
B |
48 St Aubyns, Hove |
BH2022/00487 |
Verbal Comments from Arboriculture:
There are multiple trees (not just one) in proximity, without any form of arboricultural input from the applicant, it is recommended the trial excavation is conditioned.
Condition 12 amended to be:
Post demolition and prior to commencement of any construction works, including digging and laying of foundations;
(a) A record of trial excavation adjacent to the southern boundary wall of the site within the root protection zone shall be submitted and agreed within the Local Planning Authority. The excavations should be undertaken at 2m intervals running north and east along the site boundaries from the south-west corner and shall be manually aided by a compressed air soil pick or similar (airspade) to a depth of at least 500mm or as deep as is reasonably practicable. The findings of the excavations shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority in report format supplemented by photographs.
And if the report identifies any significant roots within the root protection zone then; (b) A detailed record of the root locations and a scheme/programme of works to ensure that the foundations are designed to incorporate pad/pile and beam with the beams set no lower than the existing wall foundations shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and agreed in writing prior to commencement of any construction works, including digging and laying of foundations. The development shall be carried out as approved and in accordance with the approved programme.
Reason: As this matter is fundamental to protecting the trees which are to be retained on the site during construction works in the interest of the visual amenities of the area and to comply with policies CP12 of the Brighton & Hove City Plan Part One and DM22 of the Brighton and Hove City Plan Part Two and SPD06: Trees and Development Sites.
E |
45 George Street |
BH2023/01522 |
The recommendation section of the report should read as follows:
1. Recommendation 1.1 That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out below and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to the following Conditions and Informatives:
Notwithstanding the officer report, evidence has not been provided of the removal of the bench to the front elevation of the property. The applicant has confirmed the bench will not be used in the meantime. The enforcement team has been made aware of this.
Revised wording to paragraph 2.1 to read as follows: 2.1 The application relates to a ground floor commercial unit situated within a three-storey, mid terrace building with additional accommodation at roof level. The three floors above the application property are in residential use. The property is situated on George Street which comprises a mix of commercial and residential units. The property is also located within the East Cliff Conservation area.
G |
Former Peter Pan's Playground Site Madeira Drive Brighton BN2 1EN |
BH2023/01955 |
Two additional representations in support of the application. The points raised are already summarised in the Officer Report. |
H |
Aymer House, 10-12 New Church Road, Hove |
BH2023/01305 |
Verbal Comments from Arboriculture:
No Objection.
It is not considered that the trees in the neighbouring gardens are of sufficient quality to justify a trial pit to investigate for roots beneath the development site.
The applicant should be advised of the need to proceed with care with regards to the health of third-party trees adjacent to the shared boundaries.
Remove Condition 5, relating to tree protection measures.
One objection has been withdrawn.